
My Infatuation with Bagels!

My mom rarely let me have bagels growing up. She knew the relation of carbs and weight gain, so for her own diet, she never had them in the house. When I did get to eat a bagel, it was a special occasion and I felt like I was having a treat. My consumption of bagels changed once I got to college. My roommate used to work at Panera Bread, and when she came home after work, she would bring home a large bag of leftover bagels. Because of this, my infatuation with bagels has only grown over the years. I wish I could say that I hated bagels but I don't and I could eat a bagel at every meal. And there used to be days when I did eat a bagel at every meal (it's no wonder I gained weight)! Luckily my roommate had stopped working at Panera shortly before I started dieting. However that did not stop me from buying bagels.

Finally after 6 months of dieting but still maintaining my love for bagels, I gave them up. Well not completely, but I stopped buying them to keep at home. Luckily when I started Weight Watchers, I realized that most bagels had between 7-9 points plus value. And this is before the addition of cream cheese, peanut butter or whatever other smear you put onto a bagel. To me, 11 points for one bagel is sooo not worth it.

So what does a chronic bagel eater do when craving a bagel? Well, I finally tried these wonderful things that I had been hearing about; bagel thins. These bagel thins are the answer to my bagel lovin' prayers. For one bagel thin it's 110 calories/3 points plus. And I am wild for them! I store them in the freezer and whenever I am craving a bagel I pull one out and toast it. Because they are thinner, you do lose the chewy, doughy part of the bagel but that also makes them a lot easier to eat and definitely cuts the amount of carbs consumed.  

Yesterday morning I made myself a bagelwich using the following things:
1 Bagel Thin
1 egg, fried with cooking spray
1 wedge of french onion Laughing Cow cheese spread
1 Morning Star veggie sausage patty
A small amount of organic strawberry fruit spread

 I just smeared the cheese wedge across one side of the bagel thin, and strawberry preserve on the other side. Then I placed the veggie sausage and egg in between the two bagel halves. And here is the finished product:

It was a total of 8 points plus. But if I had used egg whites instead of an egg I could have shaved off 1 point. I also could have left off the veggie sausage and ditched another 2 points, but I thought this bagelwich was perfect, just the way it was!

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