
Something I Can Be Proud Of!

When I first started working out, I wasn't working towards anything but weight loss. I wanted to get in shape but I don't think I knew what that really meant. Or what that was really going to entail. My idea of getting in better shape meant that I would be less winded when I walked up a set of stairs. Or that I would be able to last on the elliptical trainer for more than 20 minutes. I have come to find out that being in good shape can mean a wide variety of things. And because I have found that being in good shape can mean a lot of things, I have found that I have set new goals for myself but I have also reached targets that I maybe didn't set for myself, but should still be proud of.

I touched a bit on my experience with a cardio class called Cardio Kick in another post. This class is taught twice a week, but with two different teachers. The first class that I attended, the teacher was petite, energetic and appeared to be in great shape. She had us doing 3 minute jump rope intervals, I only lasted in this class for twenty minutes before busting out of the class feeling defeated and broken down. When I finally started attending this class regularly, I stopped going to her class but instead found inspiration from the other teacher. I haven't interacted much with the jump rope interval teacher since that initial class period, however she became a sub for my weight lifting class this week. I was dreading having her in class, assuming that she was going to work us too hard and once again she would show me that I still wasn't in great shape. But to my surprise she started off the class by stating that she would not be doing most of the exercises with us, because she wasn't in the best of shape.

By mid class I had an aha moment that had me beaming from ear to ear! I was lifting heavier weights and producing more reps than the teacher that originally proved to me that I had let myself go. I am still not in fighting condition, but I am on my way to becoming stronger and thinner. By having this aha moment, I was able to reflect on how far I have truly come within the 7 months that I have faithfully been attending the gym. I am lifting a heavier weight than I was just 2 weeks ago. I am running more laps that I probably have been able to in my entire life. These were not goals that I set for myself but I can't help but smile when I think about how far I have come. But I also get excited when I think about the future and what my body will look like in 7 more months!

Additionally I think I find comfort in knowing that building up endurance and muscle can come in any shape and size. I may have been able to lift more weight than the substitute teacher, or other people in the class, but other people maybe can run a longer distance or jump rope for a longer period of time than I can. By learning this, I have also learned that there is no one easy definition of 'being in shape.' Recognizing this fact has freed me from feeling judged at the gym. And I also feel less intimidated to attend a new cardio class because I know that if I suck the first time, there is no place to go but become stronger!

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