
Liebster Award

I have seen a few bloggers that have been nominated for the Liebster Award. But for the life of me I cannot figure out what a Liebster Award is. I googled,  I looked at other blogs, but I cannot figure out what it means. Is it a contest? Is there a winner?

Even though I am not exactly sure what a Liebster Award is, I am still blown away by the fact that someone even thought to nominate me. I'm just humbled that someone other than my mother reads this blog, but Kay from Best Intentions is kind enough to read, and nominate me!

Apparently, there are rules for this:
  1. The nominee must list 11 facts about themselves
  2. The nominee must answer the 11 questions asked by the nominator
  3. The nominee must nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers
My 11 random facts: 
1. An espresso drink from Starbucks is like my form of crack. I'll drink coffee, but a specialty espresso drink from Starbucks can take a bad day and instantly make it a good day. My current favorite is a skinny cinnamon dolce latte.
2. I have a girl crush on Kesha. If I could be someone else for a day, it would be her.
3. And just like Kesha, I love glitter. No matter what purse I am carrying for the day, you can always find a container of glitter in it.
4. And you can almost always find a half eaten protein bar in my purse. I love protein bars, for me it's like eating a candy bar.
5. I have a slight addiction to peanut butter. I can eat an entire jar within like 10 days.
6. My cocktail of choice is a margarita. But when I am out at a bar, and it's too hard to make it skinny, I will usually chose a rum and diet, or lately a whiskey and diet.
7. My dad's side of the family is outrageously athletic, and competitive. I am neither of these things, I play games to have fun. I could care less if I win or lose.
8. I hate Minnesota, even though I was born and raised here, it's just too cold. I want to move, but the question is where. I don't know.
9. I have been a vegetarian for nearly 7 years, and I have no plans of ever eating meat again.
10. Baseball is my favorite sport, and the Texas Rangers are my favorite team.
11. I keep a container of fat free cool whip in my freezer, and eat a spoonful whenever I have a sweet craving.

And here are the 11 questions that Kay had:
1. What was the first blog you started reading? Young House Love
2. If you were another person, why would you be friends with you? Because I like to party hardy!
3. What's the story behind your name? My mom and dad could not decide, my dad wanted Rebecca, but my mother had never met someone that she did not like with the name Nadine, so they compromised and my name is Nadine Rebecca.
4. If you had an unlimited budget and could travel anywhere for 1 week, where would you go? Greece
5. Do you have a special talent? I can doodle really well. I am not a great artist, but give me a piece of paper and a pen, and I can doodle all day.
6. What is your favorite TV show? Currently I am in love with The Mindy Project, but I love Castle or anything on ABC for that matter.
7. Most embarrassing moment? I really cannot think of one. I don't get embarrassed too easily, I have very little shame.
8. What's hidden under you bed? Lots of clothes and purses. 
9. Describe the last dream you remember having. Last night I had a dream that someone was forcing me to get a tattoo. Random, I know. It's not that I am against tattoos, I am just a really indecisive person, I would never be able to decide on what to get.
10. What is the next planned event you're looking forward to? I leave for St. Thomas, USVI on Saturday!!!! My step brother is getting married, and I get to spend a whole week partying in paradise!
11. What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you? Last year I had a dentist appt, but before I went I had gotten my car towed. Then I found out that I had to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled, and that I had a mouth full of cavities. It was the worst day that I have had in a long time. My roommate went out and bought tiramisu (my favorite), and gave me wine, and a big hug when I got home. It's the little things, really.

My 11 questions for other people: 
1. What is your favorite blog to read?
2. What's your biggest fear?
3. If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be?
4. Books or movies?
5. Why did you start blogging?
6. What is your idea of the perfect day?
7. Spring or Fall?
8. What's your favorite alcoholic cocktail?
9. Do you crave sweet or savory things?
10. What is your ultimate career goal?
11. Where do you live? And do you like living there?

And my 11 8 choices are: 
1. Fueled and Aflame
2. Just Jenn
3. Life By Nadine Lynn
4. One Way Ticket To Onederland
5. Is This Thing On?
6. The Skinniest Ocegueda
7. A Step in the Right Direction
8. Shelly No Belly

I had to stop at 8 because the rest of the blogs that I love have more than 200 followers. They are all famous and such!

Additionally, I doubt that any of these people will actually see that I have nominated them, but I did it anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, I'm so glad that even though no one can tell us what a Liebster Award is, that you still did it and answered my questions! Loved reading them!!


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