

For the past year and a half I was working at the University of Minnesota, in one of their academic departments. I initially began working in the department because I wanted to take more college classes, and working at the U gives you tuition benefits.

I have since decided that I have no idea what I want to get my next degree in so I have stopped taking classes. My original degree was in Psychology, and I have no clue what to do with it. I realized that I need to be in the real world for awhile, discover my passions, and then possibly get another degree. 

So after a lot of consideration I decided to quit my job and be unemployed for awhile. This may seem crazy to most people, myself included, but I knew that I needed some down time to reflect on what I really wanted out of life. 

At 23 years old I know that I am not going to find my perfect career. Hell, I might not ever find my perfect career, but I at least want to find something that makes me happy. Something that I enjoy doing and feel fulfilled by. And every single time that I reflect on happiness and fulfillment I always think about fitness. 

Losing weight has been the best thing that I have ever done. It has changed me from the inside out. I want everyone to feel the way that I feel, and so I know that I need to pursue a job that is fitness related. I am not exactly sure what the position is yet, but I think that my next step will be to become a certified personal trainer.

I think by holding that certification I could open a lot of doors for myself. So that means in the next few weeks I will be choosing an association to become certified through, I am currently leaning towards ACE. Then I will order my study materials and get to it. If anyone has any suggestions or advice I would love to hear it!

Oh, and because I am currently unemployed, I have been attending the gym like twice a day, and walking to and from. Additionally I have been really good with my eating. I started tracking points again last week, and did relatively well over the weekend. I am hoping this will kick my weight plateau to the curb!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are taking time to figure out what you want to do! It can be scary, but very rewarding!! I will be 30 this year and I still don't know what I want to be when I "grow up!?" I have no clue but I need to figure it out ASAP! I nominated you for a Liebster Award :) Go check out my blog post if you want to do it! http://lifebynadinelynn.blogspot.com/2013/04/liebster-award.html


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