
If You Done It, It Ain't Bragging!

I had an aha moment today involving motivation and self perseverance. I have finally lost 30 pounds (I will write more on that soon) and it sure hasn't come without hard work, dedication and a few diet changes. Since my weight loss had hit a plateau for over a month, losing this most recent 10 pounds has felt phenomenal. I had been hovering at about 29 pounds gone, up until last week, when I finally hit 30 pounds down and I have maintained that for a few days!

Out of pure excitement and joy I told my co workers about my weight loss milestone. Then I told my friends. Then I called my Mom. Heck, I even told the nurse at my recent health check-up. And just when I thought I had told everyone short of the mailman, I decided to tell one of my aerobic teachers. She is the one who teaches Cardio Kick, and I felt that I needed to share the good news but also thank her for being such a motivation to me. She congratulated me, gave me a hug and told me to keep her updated. It was then that I had my aha moment; the more I told people about my milestone, the better I felt and the more motivated I was to keep up the hard work.

I strive for the day that someone asks if I have lost weight and I can gleefully respond "why yes, I have!" Even though I have lost 30 pounds, the people that I see most frequently don't notice because the daily change is so slight. Because people rarely notice, I think I have failed to see what a huge deal losing 10 pounds, 20 pounds and now 30 pounds has been. The more I brag to people about my weight loss, the more real it becomes. For anyone who is trying to lose weight, my advice to you is to to tell people and brag and boast about the little triumphs that you experience. As Walt Whitman once stated: "If you done it, it ain't bragging."

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