
Finish the Sentence...


I love linkups. I love reading them. I think you get a better idea of who a blogger is. But I never participate in them. Ever. And I don't know why. So, I have decided to pop my linkup cherry and play in the fun!

Also, I love both of these bloggers. Holly and Jake are both hilarious and unrefined, which are the characteristics I love in other people.

1. People always tell me.... how awesome I am. Not really, but they really should start.
2. In the movie based on my life... the setting would be on a party bus. The whole movie would be about a drunken adventure on a party bus. It would involve tequila, bad choices, glitter, and gay boys. End of story.
3. Typically, I end up regretting.... being too sensible about a situation. I don't make enough spontaneous, reckless decisions, while sober.
4. I always ask to leave off the.... meat. I am a veg head.
5. Kim and Kanye really... should keep reproducing so they can beat out the Duggar's and have a reality TV show about all their offspring.
6. My Parents always reminded me... how young I am, and how much life I have left ahead of me.
7. Every single day I.... wonder how in the hell my life became so mundane. I could use a little more excitement in my life. Refer to question 3.
8. This one time in College... I drank my face off, skipped class, got fat, and had the time of my life.
9. My grossest habit is... binge eating.
10. My latest white lie was... no, I do not blog while at work....
11. I know all the words to... every single Ke$ha song. Girl crush.
12. When I grow up... I want to marry a professional baseball player. That way I can get into games for free, have a top notch personal trainer, and star on the next season of baseball wives.
13. Sexy time is... usually started by drunk text messages....I am all class.
14. I will never, ever... date a guy that is not down with my gay friends.
15. I think it's hilarious... to see older people drunk.


  1. I don't blog at work either...haha. thanks for linking up!

  2. Hey girl I am swinging by from the link-up! I used to hate when people would tell me how young I am!! It really pisses me off! Who wouldnt want to marry a professional baseball player? right?!

  3. Hi!! Visiting from the link up and love your blog!
    I'm hosting a great giveaway right now...and have 3 more coming this month. So make sure you stop by and become my newest friend! Hope to see you!! :)


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