
Operation Red Bikini

When I first started losing weight, I did not have any goal other than to get thinner. And now I feel that I have accomplished this goal. After a year of slogging away at the gym I decided to make some other goals, which I outlined here!

I really like the idea of having a goal because it keeps me motivated. I also do not like to look a fool, so once I put my mind to something, I tend to stick with it. I read A TON of healthy living/weight loss blogs, so I was thrilled when the fabulous blogging duo of Kassie and Leigh Ann decided to start a challenge and open it up to anyone and everyone.

It's called Operation Red Bikini and the details can be found here!

Basically you chose a goal that you want to reach by May 31st, whether it be a swim suit, a dress, a fitness goal, etc. During the challenge you can Instagram photos that relate to your goal and use the hashtag #operationredbikini.

After all is said and done, people who participated in the challenge will share their stories, their journeys and their results. At the end, stories will be voted upon and an actual winner will be chosen and receive an awesome prize!

Now I am not a super competitive person, so I am not sure that I will win the prize. However I adore the idea of a challenge AND getting to connect with other women who are working hard and losing weight!

I have a lot of people who support me and my weight loss, but I don't have many people who I can bond with over the battle of losing weight. So this challenge makes me really excited to read tons of other stories!

Oh, and I should probably share what my operation red bikini goal will be. I originally decided that my goal would be to fit into a pair of size 10 shorts. However, I think I was underestimating myself. I currently can fit into size 13 jeans,  which is not thaaat far away from a size 10. I think I was also afraid to pledge something in fear of failure. What if I say that I want to wear a bikini but then don't look good while wearing it?

But upon further reflection I have decided that I don't care. So what if I pledge to fit into a bikini and don't look good? I will still have worked my ass off and that alone is something to be proud of! I have always dreamed of being able to wear a two piece swim suit. And this will be my summer!

Side note: Even as a kid I was too chubby to look cute in a two piece. Sad life.

So my goals for operation red bikini are:
  • Fit into a two piece swim suit. It might have to be a backless tankini, or a more supported or structured two piece, but regardless I want to rock it.
  • Get a flatter stomach. I doubt I will get a chiseled set of abs by May 31st, but I do hope to lose the rest of my tummy fat. 
  • Have lean, strong arms. I want to look great in a tank top. 
  • Have a space between my inner thighs. I have always wished that when I closed my legs, there was a gap between the thighs. Currently there is a small, miniscule opening, but I want more!
These are more goals, and I am determined to work hard and achieve results. Other than participating in this challenge, I am also really excited to shape up for summer in general. In the true fashion of a lush, I reallllly love going tubing down a river. In the midwest it's a pretty common past time in the summer to grab some tubes, strap a cooler full of alcohol to one, and float down the river while consuming lots of beer. Trashy? Maybe. Hella fun? Absolutely. Is anyone really surprised that I am using a party and alcohol to motivate me?

This will be my year to no longer be self conscious of my bathing suit body. One year I got called fat. I was so sad and mad, so I drank myself into an oblivion. However, getting called fat on numerous occasions has been motivation for me. I don't condone those types of insults but it has helped me to work hard and prove those bitches wrong! 

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you admitted to underestimating yourself, then adjusted your goal to push yourself more! This is what ORB is all about. I am so proud of you for coming to these conclusions and I think your goals are great and attainable. I can totally relate to feeling uncomfortable in a two piece my whole life. I can also relate to not being sure how I'll feel in one in a few months, but I'm willing to give it a shot. You have already come so far, keep pushing and you will get where you want to be sooner or later. I look forward to following your journey!


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