
5 on Friday!

It's Friday! 
It's time to link-up
I have found so many new blogs to read through this link-up, I love it!

Justin Verlander. I still have no desire for the Tigers to make it into the series. But damn, I sure enjoyed watching Justin Verlander. He is an incredible pitcher, and has been named one of the top 10 most powerful pitchers in baseball history.

And then there is Justin Verlander's back side.... A friend shared this tumblr page with me, and  I think I have found my version of online porn. Note: the website is not actually porn. It's work and child appropriate.

And if you still need a reason to love him, watch this:

He eats Taco Bell, a shout out to Circle Me Bert, and pranks in Minnesota. Justin, will you marry me?

My roommate's mother made me a Halloween treat bag last weekend. It was filled with candy corn, candy bars, and homemade chocolate chip cookies. I don't care how old you are, treat bags are the best! And the cookies were the best homemade chocolate chip cookies I have ever had. And I'm not just saying that. Luckily she only gave us two cookies, so I could practice a small bit of portion control.

This was found off of the Southern California coast, this week. No, just no.

Would it really be a Five for Friday if I didn't share a snack. It's probably becoming very evident why I don't lose weight anymore. You're all probably thinking "bitch really likes to snack!" It's true, I do. At least I eat healthy-ish snacks. Anyway, these are delightful. Not too flavorful, just the right amount. And I like things that don't have a shit ton of servings in one bag. Like, if I ate this entire bag in one sitting (hasn't happened...yet) it would only be 520 calories. Not awesome, but better than if I ate a whole bag of chips, just saying.

The Biggest Loser is back! I love/hate weight loss shows. It gives an unrealistic view of losing weight. I have never lost more than 4 pounds in a week, and I think that only ever happened once. However, I do think these shows can be inspiring, and a good reminder that as a society we need to shape up.

Of course I will watch anyway. And you can bet your sweet ass that I will be pulling for Ruben Studdard. I loved him on American Idol, then I loved that terrible song Sorry for 2004 (give me a break, I was 14...), and I am sure I will love him on this show, too!


  1. Oh, how I do love a good cheese puff to snack on! I might have to search for those! What the heck was that thing that they found. Yikes!

  2. umm..is that photo for real? what IS it? an eel? ughhhh...soooooo grossssssssssssss!

  3. See, that is why I prefer pools over swimming in large natural bodies of water. You just don't know what's lurking in there these days. And Ruben had did such a great job of slimming down a few years back, but I guess his divorce caused him to pack back on a few pounds. Still I hope he reaches his goal. He seems like such a sweet and lovely person.

  4. i'm a master of snacks...unfortunately as of late they've been poor choices. eek. i need to lock it up.

    thought i would show some linkup love! new follower!

    check it yo - http://farmerbell.blogspot.com



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