
Five on Friday!

It's that time again!
I am linking up with Darci and company!

John and Sherry from Young House Love are pregnant again! Is it odd that I am excited about a pregnancy for people whom I have not met? To my non-blogging or non-blog reading friends it might be a weird concept, but to those who read blogs just as much as I do I think it's a very accepted concept!

These chips! Yet again I am sharing a savory snack, but I got these last night and I am loving them. A little crunchier than I would like in a chip, but they do satisfy my craving for chips. And they are made from root vegetables, so there is a serving of vegetables in every ounce!

I put egg whites in my coffee cup this morning. Luckily I hadn't poured my coffee into the cup yet (I pour my cream in first, then coffee on top), but man would that have been an unpleasant concoction.

It's Friday! And in my world that means it's time for a drink some drinks. I went on a job interview this week, and got rejected. I have been rejected so many times in the past few months that it's too painful to count. Sooo I am very much ready for a drink. And I realized that I already have everything I need to make a cosmopolitan! What a happy accident!

In my job interview this week I got asked some pretty crazy questions. One of them was; "If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?" I was caught soooo off guard that all I could think about was a dog, because I am loyal and active. But now that I have been thinking about it, I wish I would have said a honey badger, because the honey badger doesn't give a shit.

So now I am super curious, if you could be any animal, what would you be and why???

1 comment:

  1. I would be my dogs. They have it made! Hope you have a great weekend!


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