It's becoming quite evident that I reeeeally like my salty snacks. This brand is called Way Better Snacks and every flavor that I have tried is really tasty. Just the like the true food addict that I am, I was so excited when I saw that they came out with a holiday edition. Both the cranberry and pumpkin flavor were subtle but good. And look at those ingredients! The best part is that I found them at Marshall's, but I have also noticed them at my local health foods store.
I apply to a lot of jobs every.single.week, some that I want, and some just because I need a job. However this week I found two different jobs that I really want. Because of all the rejection that I have received I am not feeling too confident, but I am going to try my damnedest to keep positive! I would appreciate any good vibes sent this way!
In the last month I have been a frequent visitor to my local VFW. Going to the VFW makes me feel like I am living in a small town, or like I am attending a wedding reception. In my lifetime I have been to at least 5 VFW weddings, no joke. However the VFW that resides in Minneapolis is far from small town. It is filled with hipsters, and only a handful of young veterans. I am actually starting to grow fond of the VFW, they have cheap beer, karaoke, and if you are feeling hungry they will throw a frozen pizza in a pizza oven for a small charge. If you have not been to your local VFW lately, I highly suggest you stop by!
I have a friend who is quite the vocalist, and last weekend he chose to sing this little ditty. Ever since I have not been able to get it out of my head! I even put it on my iphone so I can listen to it as I walk to the gym.
As a baseball fan, I am not happy about the four teams left vying for a spot in the World Series. In general I do not like the Cardinals, or the Tigers, which totally means that they will be the two teams in the Series. I just feel like they have both recently had enough time in the World Series spot light, so for that reason I wouldn't mind if the Red Sox and the Dodgers made it in.
But if for some reason it does come down to a Tigers/Cardinals match-up I will be rooting for the Tigers simply because I love their pitcher, Justin Verlander and I would love to see him win.
Lately I have been trying to count my blessings, focus on the good. This has caused me to realize how lucky I am to be surrounded by such awesome people. My mom and step dad are currently in town and I just love getting to spend time with them. My mom is more important to me than I could ever put into words.
Also, I have a core group of friends that I would not trade for anything. They have seen and supported me in my darkest hour. They are the people I look to for laughs. They are the people that can make a simple Target trip into a fun adventure. And they are the people that make going to the VFW feel like it's classy.
I had this message on my tea bag this week, I found it to be real fitting.
What are you grateful for this week?
What would you sing at karaoke?
Keep your head up and your thoughts positive. The right job will come to you eventually!